Community Initiative Volunteer

Flexible Full Time
  • Flexible
  • Full Time
  • Anywhere

Website DVA, Derbyshire Voluntary Action

Community Initiative Volunteer

·       Do you want to make a difference in your neighbourhood or community?

·       Do you have a great idea for an activity or project?

·       Or are you looking for something meaningful to get involved in locally?

Derbyshire Voluntary Action can help you get a community initiative off the ground. Our Feeling Connected Team can offer the following…

·       Advice and mentoring from our staff.

·       Micro-grants that are simple to apply for, starting at £75 to get you going.

·       Training and information on the ‘Best Practice’ of Community Development.

·       Printing – we can print your flyers and posters to advertise your initiative.

What is a Community Initiative? There are many ways to describe something run by volunteers. Here are a few:

·       Groups: Like a walking group, a craft group or whenever people share their hobbies. This is a great way to get to know people. Some of the members need to be the organisers, but it doesn’t need to be complicated.

·       Projects: These often focus on making improvements for the greater good. Like a community garden or allotment. Or conservation of a local area. These are good for creating lots of work for many hands, and lots of people can feel useful and proud to be involved.

·       Events: Coffee mornings, jumble sales, Family fun days, community picnics, Trips to the seaside.

These ideas all have difference aims, but they all bring people together in positive ways, fostering a sense of community and strengthening connections. Reducing loneliness and isolation can have great impacts on someone’s health. That’s why the Feeling Connected Team want to support new initiatives wherever they are.

You can upload your CV or any relevant file. Max. file size: 100 MB.