Volunteer Group Help

Part Time

Chill & Chat Group

We have a ‘Chill and chat’ social group which takes place within Monkey Park café between 10am and 12noon on a Thursday. We have so far targeted the group at adults with learning disabilities and autism, but anyone is welcome. We ask for a donation of £3 per member, and this covers refreshments/ activities and room hire. We have been running this group for a few weeks now, and it is growing, we have a core group of around 8/9 members, and would welcome more, however, we need the help of a volunteer.

We are looking for a few volunteers who would be happy to lock and unlock the building make teas and coffees, set up a few activities (board and card games have been what we have been doing so far, and Monkey Park have a huge supply, plus some other things such as musical instruments, lego and craft equipment, but this could be developed by the volunteer however they choose), and collect the donations- we have just been doing an ‘honesty pot’.

You can upload your CV or any relevant file. Max. file size: 100 MB.